Julian Stevens attends Staar Surgical's 16th International EVO Visian ICL Experts Summit in Paris
Julian Stevens attends The Royal College of Ophthalmologists meeting on ophthalmic practice development
Julian Stevens moderates the American European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery session of ethics and GDPR
Julian Stevens holds two patents about capsule fixated intraocular lens implants, ensuring centration, lack of tilt and also prevention of dysphotopsia. Julian Stevens was involved with the development of the Femtis(TM) lens implant and named this lens implant, manufactured by Teleon Surgical Inc. He discussed capsule fixated lenses and their advantages at the American European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery (AECOS) in Sitges, Spain.
Julian Stevens participates in the debate at the AECOS meeting in Sitges, Spain. The debate was how to correct Presbyopia - the need for reading glasses in 50 to 60 year olds - whether to treat with a corneal or lens based solution.
Julian Stevens spends two days Consulting at the R&D facility of Staar Surgical Inc., the manufacturer of the ICL in Lake Forest, California
Mr Stevens' ophthalmic information videos available to watch on YouTube
Mr Stevens’ prize winning video from last year’s ESCRS conference is the society’s “video of the month”
The video on “Femtosecond laser intrastromal arcs for correction of astigmatism” is available to watch on the ESCRS video player below
Moorfields Eye Hospital opens new private outpatient centre
Moorfields Eye Hospital was pleased to announce that the new outpatient centre at Moorfields Private opened in June 2016 at 9-11 Bath Street, London. This new facility was created to improve consulting, diagnostic and treatment facilities. Mr Stevens’ private outpatient clinics which were previously based at the Arthur Steele Unit on City Road have now moved to this location. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the new centre.
Mr Stevens awarded “best paper of session” and video award at the ASCRS clinical meeting in New Orleans

At the recent American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS) meeting held in New Orleans, Mr Stevens presented his new technique for visualising the cornea using circular polarised light, revealing structures previously invisible during clinical examination. This paper won the "best paper of session" award. Mr Stevens' other paper presented by his Resident Dr Alexandra Manta of an improved technique for corneal cross-linking also won the "best paper of session" award.
Mr Stevens' also presented a video about correcting astigmatism and this also won an award at this meeting.
Another successful LASIK Course held at Moorfields
The annual LASIK LASEK SMILE training course still proves popular with ophthalmic surgeons. This is the 18th year this course has run with many ophthalmic surgeons around the world having attended and this year surgeons from across Europe and beyond came to London. The programme includes lectures from leading refractive surgeons, including Mr Stevens and wet-lab sessions to give attendees some practical experience. The course provides an ideal opportunity for ophthalmic surgeons in training to learn from the most experienced consultants in the field.